Gold Coast Wills Lawyers discuss the top reasons to reconsider your DIY Will Kit

Do-it-yourself (DIY) will kits are readily available and offer quick and cheap solutions to anyone who is interested in writing their own will. They can however cause uncertainty if they are not clearly drafted by the will maker, which can be costly for your loved ones during times of Estate Administration. Here are some serious reasons…
Sutherland Drink Driving Lawyers achieve Section 10 for Low Range PCA

In Episode 19 of the Boorman Lawyers Court Reports, we take a look at low range drink driving offence we appeared on at Sutherland Local Court where we achieved a DUI Section 10 Dismissal. DUI Video #TimeStamps 00:12 – Welcome to #BoormanLawyers Sutherland Court Video Update 00:28 – On location at Sutherland Local Court in…
Gold Coast Estate Planning Lawyers: How relationship changes affect your estate planning

A change in your personal relationships (such as marriage or divorce) can have a significant impact on your life. Similarly, it is important to consider how these changes can also impact on your estate planning. Changes in relationship status Shown in the table below are some of the common changes in relationships that an individual…
Protecting your brand with Trade Marks

You have a great idea to start a new business. You have come up with what you believe to be the perfect business name and logo, and you want to get started on printing up your marketing material. Before you do, you should consider whether you have taken adequate steps to: protect the Intellectual Property…
Issues to consider when creating your Legal Will

Once you have taken the first steps to engage a Lawyer to assist you in creating your legal Will, there are a number of issues you will need to consider. Some of the common issues include: 1. Who will you appoint to be your executor? Sometimes called your “personal representative”, your executor is the person…
Gold Coast Estate Lawyers discuss why Will Makers should consider Testamentary Trusts

When you consider your estate planning, you can decide not only to whom you wish to leave your property, but also the way in which you wish to do so. For example, a couple may wish to leave the majority of their assets to their spouse and then ultimately to their children once they both…
At risk of losing your Qld drivers licence? There may be options in a Special Hardship Order Licence!

In Queensland, drivers convicted of specific offences may incur driving disqualification or licence suspension for long periods. For many Australian drivers, a licence suspension or disqualification can bring severe economic hardship, preventing them from getting to work and creating obstacles to gainful opportunities. If you are facing a charge for driving at an excessive speed…
Court Report: Brisbane Drink Driving Lawyers on Middle Range DUI Charge

In Episode 18 of the Boorman Lawyers Court Reports, our Brisbane Drink Driving Lawyers take a look at a Middle Range DUI Offence we appeared on at Brisbane Magistrates Court. See our Court Report to see what happened or Call us on 1300 941 900. Middle Range Drink Driving Offence In relation to the…
Court Report: Downing Centre Drink Driving Lawyers on High Range DUI

Boorman Lawyers Downing Centre Drink Driving Lawyers appeared for a client who had been charged with a High Range Drink Driving offence with a Blood Alcohol Reading of 0.166. The matter was aggravated since it was our client 3rd DUI offence having had 2 prior DUI offences 6 and 7 years prior. So it was…
NSW Abolishes Habitual Traffic Offender Scheme

Changes in road transportation laws recently took effect in NSW, all aimed at ensuring the safety of the community by preventing unauthorised driving and deterring repeat offending. Removal of HTO scheme Of real importance is the abolition of the habitual traffic offender (HTO) scheme that banned drivers with a history of serious driving offences from…