Our Hornsby Court DUI Lawyer At Hornsby Local Court where we appeared on a High Range DUI offence where the blood alcohol reading was 0.173 and the matter was further aggravated due to a single vehicle accident.
Facts of the High Range DUI at Hornsby Court
Recently our very experience Hornsby Court DUI Lawyer appeared at Hornsby Local Court on a High Range drink driving offence where the blood alcohol reading was 0.173. To make the situation worse it involved a single vehicle accident. Well it was not really a single vehicle accident since our client crashed into a parked car. However, there was no other person caught up in the incident and luckily there was no other person in the parked car that was crashed into.
The accident was an obvious aggravating feature of the matter which increased the severity of the entire drink driving case. There was significant damage sustained to both vehicles and both were a write off.
Earlier in the night our client had attended the City where he had consumed a number of drinks with friends. Towards the end of the night my client and a friend of his were assaulted in the Rocks area of the Sydney CBD. The matter was reported to Police. Our client lives in North Sydney and returned home in an Uber after consuming a lot of alcohol. He did the right thing by ensuring he got home in an Uber. But after returning home he was hungry and foolishly decided to get into his car to drive down to the local fast food venue. It was on his return home when he collided with a parked car.
We submitted to the Court that it was a combination of his level of intoxication with the fact he had earlier been assaulted and was not thinking clearly enough to make the right judgment call.
So that was how the incident came about. Police arrived shortly after the accident and our client was subjected to a roadside breath test which returned a positive reading and then upon further breath analysis our client recorded a finalblood alcohol reading of 0.173.
Hornsby Court DUI Case Preparation
After speaking with our client it quickly became apparent that he was a young and intelligent man who works hard here in Austaslia after moving her from Jordan several years ago. He currently owns several supermarket business around Sydney and does good within the local community.
Our client successfully completed the SAVE Traffic Offenders Program and we were able to tender a completion certificate. This was able to show elements of remorse by our client and a willingness to re-educate himself on driver safety.
We were also able to get several character references in support of our client and talked about his otherwise exemplary character and how this matter before the Court was very much out of his normal behaviour.
Our clients good character was further supported since he had never before been arrested or charged with any other offences.
Balancing act for Hornsby Local Court
When it came to sentencing for our client there was a balancing act that needed to be considered by the Court.
One one hand our client has no prior record, he’s of excellent character and he had completeed the Traffic Offenders Program.
However, on the other hand the offence of drink driving is a prevalent offence and our clients matter was made much worse due to the collission with a parked car.
We were able to convince the Magistrate not to consider any additional penalties beyond the standard licence disqualification, conviction, fine and mandatory interlock program.
Penalties for High Range DUI
We were able to persuade the Court to reduce the disqualification period down to the minimum period of 6 months with a fine of $1700. He will also be required to maintain the alcohol interlock device for the minimum period of 24 months.
We were able to ensure that the 6 months licence disqualification was backdated to the time of the offence when his licence was suspended at the time of arrest.
We were able to avoid any other penalties at the Courts disposal. However, we did explain to our client that when there is a high blood alcohol reading and the incident involves an accident.
Then the Courts are always guided by the
High Range PCA Guideline Judgment which certainly discusses the prospects of a term of imprisonment amongst a range of other penalties at the Court disposal. Such as a Community Corrections Order or the more serious custodial penalty of an Intensive Corrections Order which is a term of imprisonment but served in the community.
Contact our Hornsby Court DUI Lawyers
This case which we discussed throughout this article is one which we appeared on at the Hornsby Local Court in Northern Sydney.
If you or someone you know has found themselves in a situation whereby they have been charged with a serious traffic offence then rest assure we are experts in traffic and DUI law in New South Wales and we do regularly attend Hornsby Local Court.
It is not a problem for us to attend and appear at any Courthouse in New South Wales on either drink driving or Drug Driving Offences in Qld or NSW. If you have got any questions or you have got a similar case, please don’t hesitate to give me a call 1300 941 900. Or go onto our website, which is BoormanLawyers.com.au
Speak to our Hornsby Court DUI Lawyer Ph: 1300 941 900

Our Hornsby Court DUI Lawyer can be contacted at:
Boorman Lawyers NSW & QLD Solicitors
Sydney NSW 2000
Brisbane QLD 4000
Bundall QLD 4217
1300 941 900