Social Media Influencer Agreements in Australia: Top 10 reasons to stop winging your terms and conditions in informal direct messages (DMs)

Gold Coast Lawyers highlight the top ten reasons to use a formal Influencer Agreement rather than agreeing terms in DMs
Section 10 Dismissal for Low Range DUI at Waverley Court NSW

We’ve reached Episode 20 of the Boorman Lawyers Court Reports. In this episode, we take a look at a low range drink driving offence that we appeared that at Waverley Local Court where we achieved a Section 10 dismissal. DUI Video #TimeStamps 00:13 – Welcome to #BoormanLawyers Waverley Court in Sydney 00:26 – Low Range PCA (0.077) 01:55 – Unusual circumstances…
Sydney Drug Driving Lawyers attend Campbelltown Local Court

Sydney Drug Driving Lawyers appeared at Campbelltown Court on Drug Driving, Disqualified Driving & Drug Possession. FREE Call 1300 941 900 case assessment. I recently appeared at Campbelltown Local Court in Western Sydney where I appeared on quite a serious matter where basically my client was very lucky to escape full-time custody or jail time. Campbelltown…
What to include in your Social Media Services Agreement

We highlight some key topics for inclusion in your social media services agreement.
Creating a Sponsorship Agreement

Sponsorships can take many forms. One of the common types of sponsorship is providing products, services or money to the sponsored party in exchange for exposure of the sponsor’s business. In order to avoid disputes, such arrangements should be documented in a legally enforceable sponsorship agreement. You should negotiate and agree the terms of your…
How to Choose a Lawyer

Choosing a Lawyer can be a difficult task, especially if you’ve never had to do it before. If you have engaged a lawyer in the past, it may not even be possible to use the same one again for any number of reasons. We’ve taken some of the hard work out of it and summarised…
Do we need a Shareholders Agreement?

If you have chosen a company as your most suitable form of structuring, and you have more than one shareholder, you should consider negotiating the terms of, and entering into, a Shareholders Agreement. Whilst there is no legal requirement to have a Shareholders Agreement, taking the time to do so can avoid shareholder disputes and…
Increase to Australian Consumer Law Penalties – are you at risk?

What has changed? On 23 August 2018, the Treasury Laws Amendment (2018 Measures No. 3) Bill 2018 was passed in Federal Parliament. The Bill amended the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 such that the consumer law penalty regime now mirrors the competition law civil penalty provisions. The changes in relation to penalties, which came into…
Social Media Influencer Marketing in Australia

Social media platforms such as Instagram have provided businesses with a significant opportunity for growth. Influencer marketing on social media platforms has grown in popularity and become a common part of marketing strategies. Influencer marketing usually involves a collaboration between Brands and Influencers, whereby certain Influencers are selected to assist in the promotion of the…
What happens to your social-media accounts after you die?

Many people spend a significant amount of time on social-media during their lives, and indeed use the platforms as a personal form of storage for memories kept by previous generations in albums and boxes. The data may be of sentimental value (for example family photos and notes from friends) or financial value (for example an…